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The Goal is to move an existing system installation with no raid to move to a RAID 1 (Mirroring). For that we need two identically disks (in size) or at least a same partition setup on both disks.


Mostly based on this
Gentoo notes: and

See also:



Inconsistent blocks may occur spontaneously as disk drives may discover and replace unreadable blocks on their own or as a result of SMART tests. Ideally, an error occurs when an attempt is made to read the block and software RAID transparently corrects the problem. It is possible due to flaws in the drive for errors not to be reported.

The check command attempts to rewrite unreadable blocks. The check command does not correct mismatched blocks. A count of these mismatched blocks is available after the check command runs:

cat /sys/block/mdX/md/mismatch_cnt

If the mismatch occurs in free space there is no impact.

Running an fsck may not fix your problem. This is because the fsck may read data from the correct block rather than the block containing undefined data.

The repair command can be used to place the mismatched blocks into a consistent state:

echo repair >> /sys/block/mdX/md/sync_action

You can monitor the progress of the repair with:

watch -n .1 cat /proc/mdstat

For RAID with parity (e.g. RAID-5) the parity block will be reconstructed. For RAID without parity (e.g. RAID-1) a block will be chosen at random as the correct block. Therefore, although running the repair command will make your RAID consistent it will not guarantee your partition is not corrupt.

To ensure your partition is not corrupt repair the RAID device and then reformat the partition.



First we prepare the second disk, then we move all the data to the second disk, configure grub etc. then reboot the machine with the second disk as a raid 1 (in which the first disk is failed), include the first disk into the raid, let it synch then reboot it with the correct raid.

sound easy, so let's do it...

Preparing the second disk

Example like a Partitionsetup could look like:

Mountpoint hda Partition (first HD)
/ /dev/hda3
/boot /dev/hda1
swap /dev/hda2
/data /dev/hda5

so you have to setup your second harddisk with cfdisk (i.e.) like this:

hdb Partition (second HD) filesystem
/dev/hdb3 Linux raid autodected
/dev/hdb1 Linux raid autodected
/dev/hdb2 Linux Swap
/dev/hdb5 Linux raid autodected

Note: Swap is in a way automatically "raided" if there are more than one.

Enabling KernelSupport

That we can access Raiddisks we maybe have to enable this in the Kernel.

//ToDo: How do I find out if it is already enabled

This you find in the Section:

Multilevel Devices -> RAID

Just compile your prefered (in our case RAID 1) in the Kernel (do not load it as a Module as we also want to have the / Partition raided)

Rebuild the Kernel and Boot with it. See here how to build you're own kernel.

Installing RaidTools

Install the raidtools (mostly called mdadm):

Gentoo: emerge sys-fs/mdadm raidtools
Debian: apt-get install mdadm raidtools (but not sure if this is anymore correct)

Generating Raidtab

remember we want something like that

Mountpoint  	RAID Partition  hda Partition (first HD)  hdb Partition (second HD)
/boot 	        /dev/md0 	/dev/hda1 	          /dev/hdb1
/ 	        /dev/md1 	/dev/hda3 	          /dev/hdb3
/data 	        /dev/md2 	/dev/hda5 	          /dev/hdb5

so let's generate /etc/raidtab with the following entries:

It's important that the first disk is still marked as failed!

Wichtig ist, dass die erste Festplatte(hda) hier noch als "failed-disk" markiert ist!

# example /etc/raidtab
# md0 is the boot array
raiddev			/dev/md0
raid-level		1
nr-raid-disks		2
chunk-size		32
# Spare disks for hot reconstruction
nr-spare-disks		0
persistent-superblock	1
device			/dev/hdb1
raid-disk		0
# this is our old disk, mark as failed for now
device			/dev/hda1
failed-disk		1

# md1 is the root array
raiddev			/dev/md1
raid-level		1
nr-raid-disks		2
chunk-size		32
# Spare disks for hot reconstruction
nr-spare-disks		0
persistent-superblock	1
device			/dev/hdb3
raid-disk		0
# boot is marked failed as well
device			/dev/hda3
failed-disk		1

# md2 is the /data array
raiddev			/dev/md2
raid-level		1
nr-raid-disks		2
chunk-size		32
# Spare disks for hot reconstruction
nr-spare-disks		0
persistent-superblock	1
device			/dev/hdb5
raid-disk		0
# boot is marked failed as well
device			/dev/hda5
failed-disk		1

now we generate the raid devices:

mkraid /dev/md0
mkraid /dev/md1
mkraid /dev/md2
Note: maybe you have to do first this: cd /dev ; MAKEDEV md as if it reports that /dev/md* doesn't yet exists

Format Raid

mkfs.ext2 /dev/md0
mkfs.ext3 /dev/md1
mkfs.ext3 /dev/md2

copy the system

so let's copy the system on to the new raid:

create dir structure:

mkdir /mnt/root
mkdir /mnt/boot
mkdir /mnt/data

mount it:

mount /dev/md0 /mnt/boot
mount /dev/md1 /mnt/root
mount /dev/md2 /mnt/data

copy the non root partitions:

cp -a /boot/* /mnt/boot/
cp -a /data/* /mnt/data/

copy root partition:

cp -a /bin /mnt/root/bin  
cp -a /dev /mnt/root/dev 
cp -a /etc /mnt/root/etc
cp -a /home /mnt/root/home
cp -a /lib /mnt/root/lib
cp -a /opt /mnt/root/opt 
cp -a /root /mnt/root/root
cp -a /sbin /mnt/root/sbin 
cp -a /usr /mnt/root/usr 
cp -a /var  /mnt/root/var
cp -a /*.* /mnt/root/

depending on your structure some dirs aren't here or there are others. but the concept should be clear ;)

creating additional dirs:

mkdir /mnt/root/proc
mkdir /mnt/root/boot
mkdir /mnt/root/sys
mkdir /mnt/root/data

changing fstab

change the fstab" in "/mnt/root/etc/" as the following:

/dev/md0                /boot           ext2            noauto,noatime  1 2
/dev/md1                /               ext3            noatime         0 1
/dev/hda2               none            swap            sw              0 0
/dev/hdb2               none            swap            sw              0 0
/dev/md2                /data           ext3            noatime         0 1

chaning grub

add a second entry before the first in /boot/grub.conf (menu.lst) exactly as the first, except that you change /dev/hda3 to /dev/md1 like:

title=Gentoo Linux 2.6.16-r9
# Partition where the kernel image (or operating system) is located
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.16-gentoo-r9 root=/dev/md1

title=Gentoo Linux 2.6.16-r9
# Partition where the kernel image (or operating system) is located
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.16-gentoo-r9 root=/dev/hda3

then reboot!

so if something fails you can still boot with the second entry and try to fix it.


For Debian users with modules

Modular RAID on Debian GNU/Linux after move to RAID

Debian users may encounter problems using an initrd to mount their root filesystem from RAID, if they have migrated a standard non-RAID Debian install to root on RAID.

If your system fails to mount the root filesystem on boot (you will see this in a "kernel panic" message), then the problem may be that the initrd filesystem does not have the necessary support to mount the root filesystem from RAID.

Debian seems to produce its initrd.img files on the assumption that the root filesystem to be mounted is the current one. This will usually result in a kernel panic if the root filesystem is moved to the raid device and you attempt to boot from that device using the same initrd image. The solution is to use the mkinitrd command but specifying the proposed new root filesystem. For example, the following commands should create and set up the new initrd on a Debian system:

% mkinitrd -r /dev/md0 -o /boot/initrd.img-2.4.22raid % mv /initrd.img /initrd.img-nonraid % ln -s /boot/initrd.img-raid /initrd.img"

Things to do with mdadm

"rename" a md device

md1 in md2

mdadm --stop /dev/md1
mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md2 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda5 /dev/sdb5

then it askes, because there exists an array, say y and it will resync